Thursday, November 5, 2009

The 2012 Prediction: Putting it All in Perspective

It has been my pleasure introducing you all to the intricacies that surround the 2012 prediction and providing possible insights to related subjects that either strengthen or weaken your acceptance of the idea. This is my last blog post and I would like to leave you all with, what I believe, a good summation of the big points that I made during my blogging time so that you will take away from this blog what I have been trying to stress the most.

· The Sun is predicted to start a new solar cycle that coincides with the end of the Mayan Calendar. The sun does this periodically and the last cycle ended 20-30 years ago and we are still here.

· Around December 21, 2012, the Earth will be at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. This has never happened before and no one knows exactly what will happen. Some predict immediate pole shifts, which will cause devastating weather change, while others predict nothing will occur.

· The 2012 Prediction seems to be especially controversial because, as humans, we are innately fascinated with death. Death is interesting. The media knows this and that is why the news today focuses around tragedies. This fascination contributes to the fear associated with the 2012 Prediction as well as to coerce some to take precautions by forming support groups throughout the world.

· No one exactly knows what is going to happen on December 21, 2012. Since no one can predict the future, then trying to predict what exactly is going to happen on such a far away date is impossible.

· Finally, this prediction is dividing people. The believers and the nonbelievers. Division is rarely good and unless collaboration is executed soon, then as the date get closers, individuals may start acting upon this division in conflicting ways.

These are the points that I wish for you to take and reflect deeply upon as this date gets closer. Whatever happens on December 21, 2012, good luck and thanks for taking the time to read my blog.

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